Happy Hanukkah and Lovely Latkes

Happy Hanukkah and Lovely Latkes

www.seattleite.com Hang on a cotton picking second…wasn’t it July literally yesterday? How has December managed to swoop in with such stealth that none of us noticed until it was sitting in our laps? As we all gear up for Christmas, Jew’s the world over have been making preparations for Hanukkah (which has actually been and gone now since it landed on the 8th of December this year). If like me, you’re a total ignoramus whose knowledge of Hanukkah stretches as far as the Friends episode in which Ross dresses up as a giant armadillo, here is the very rough and very short version of the story of Hanukkah.
Cheeky Cinnamon French Toast

Cheeky Cinnamon French Toast

Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day, but lets face it during the week nobody has the time or the inclination to fanny about cooking up an elaborate breakie. So come the weekend its always nice to pull your finger out and make a bit more of effort. This was a bit of a spur of the moment thing, I only had a basic recipe which I changed and embellished and this was the fruits of my labour, or not as the case may be as its a super quick and really easy recipe with loads of ways you can customise it to your tastes.
Twice as Nice…1 ingredient, 2 ways. Edition 2: Pumpkin

Twice as Nice…1 ingredient, 2 ways. Edition 2: Pumpkin

Pumpkins. As a nation us Brits probably only encounter a pumpkin when Halloween rolls round and even then I doubt many of us eat the innards after we’ve finished hacking a face into one. I know Pumpkin Pie is a Thanksgiving staple in the U.S but we don’t have anything like that here and I think a lot of people are a bit daunted about where to start with a pumpkin and what to do it, and most of the time pumpkins are generally bigger than the International Space Station and unless you have a meat cleaver it’s a bit of a battle trying to slice them to bits.