Oopsy Daisy Upside Down Apple Cake
After you’ve finished yakking after reading my vom worthy ‘Daddy Cool’ post I thought you might like to indulge in a yummy-o, calorific Apple Upside Down Cake (the point being you turn the cake upside down,not eat it whilst upside down…but you knew that already). I wouldn’t have ever attempted an upside down anything due to my innate ability to pretty much drop anything I pick up, but my Dad found it while flicking though my new Rachel Allen cook book (a barginlicious £5 from W H Smith) and I had promised him a dessert of his choice for Fathers Day and this was what he chose, and blow me if it didn’t actually come out pretty much perfectly! I refuse to revel silently in my success since nothing ever really goes exactly how I want it when I make it!
- 3 Eating apples (I used Pink Ladies,cos I like the name and the stickers on them)
- 250g Light brown sugar (you could use caster sugar but the darker sugar works well with the apple and the cinnamon)
- 50g Butter
- 200g Plain Flour (Doves Farm as per usual)
- 2 Large eggs
- 3 fl oz Sunflower Oil (veg oil would also do,but not olive oil-too strong in taste)
- 1 tsp G/F baking powder (I use Dr Oetker)
- 1/2 Salt
- A generous pinch of bicarbonate of soda (Dr Oekter again)
- A nice big heaped tsp pf cinnamon
- 7 fl oz Buttermilk
- You can make this in a largish oven proof frying pan (around 10inches across) or you can use a Pyrex dish as I did. (I’ll give instructions for both methods)
- Sieve
- Whack your oven up to Gas 4.
- While the oven warms you can get on with melting your butter over a gentle heat in a frying pan. Once its melted add in half the sugar giving it a good old stir and cook the mixture of a low heat for around 2-3 minutes. Keep the heat low to avoid burning the sugar. Burnt sugar on a pan is a pain in the arse to get off.
- Slice your apples to a decent thickness and add into the pan. If your cooking your cake in your frying pan, set to the side while you get on with making your cake mix. If your using a dish spoon the toffee/apple mix evenly over the bottom of your dish and set aside.
- Sieve your flour, baking powder, bicarb, cinnamon and salt together into a big bowl and give it a quick stir.
- In a separate bowl crack in your eggs and whisk with a fork. Add in the buttermilk, the rest of the sugar and the oil, giving it all a proper good stir to combine.
- Pour the egg/buttermilk mix in with your dry ingredients, give it some welly and stir until you have a smooth cake mix. Don’t worry if there’s a lump or two here and there. Raymond Blanc isn’t coming to tea.
- Pour the cake mix over the apples (whether in a pan or dish) and pop your pan/dish in the oven for around 30minutes or until the cake has turned golden and is firm to touch.
- When it’s cooked, take the cake out of the oven and leave to cool. As it cools it will start to come away from the sides of the dish/pan.
- Now for the utterly terrifying bit. Find yourself a big plate and place (face down) over the frying pan/dish and flip the pan/dish and plate over quickly and in one motion if possible. If the cake doesn’t quite come away, leave the dish upside over the plate, it will start to suction away after a few seconds.
- If like my Dad and I you can’t wait and are willing to risk third degree burns to your gullet tuck in. It’s also yummy a bit cooler with a drop of cream (I don’t even know why I said that since I hate cream on puddings).
- Take to Twitter and tell the world you have successfully completed an upside down cake.Back of the net.