Cracking Good Crepes

[Katherine Jeffs] : Mar 13, 2011 : 394 words
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A lot of peoples prevailing idea of gluten-free food is that it tastes profoundly different from non gluten-free food. This is another one of those recipes where I dare any non gluten freer to taste the difference. The original recipe is from the February issue of Delicious magazine and I’ve tweaked it here and there to make it gluten-free. It’s not vastly different from a normal pancake recipe but I think the little differences that are there make for a far nicer pancake.


  • 75g Caster sugar
  • 150g Plain flour mix, I used Doves Farm but Glutafin also do a mix as well
  • 1 Egg, plus 1 egg yolk
  • 300ml Whole milk
  • 100ml Melted butter
  • Knob of butter for frying your pancakes
  • 1-2 Drops of vanilla extract (Sainsbury’s do a cheap vanilla extract for just under a £1)

Serves 6-8


  • Large non stick frying pan


  • Get yourself a large bowl and sieve your flour into it. Add the sugar and a pinch of salt and give it a quick mix.
  • Make a well in the centre with your finger and crack in your whole egg and the yolk and give it a stir, bringing the flour in from the edges (like when you mix cement).
  • As you stir add a little of the milk at a time and continue stirring until its lump free and a fairly thin smooth batter mix.
  • Pour your melted butter into the batter mix and add a few drops of vanilla. Cover over with some clingfilm and let it sit for around 5 minutes or the time it takes you to make a cup of coffee.
  • Pop your frying pan over a medium to high heat and melt a few cubes of butter. When the butter is slightly starting to spit add a ladleful (or a small cup full) of your mix to the pan and swirl and tip the pan around until the mixture covers the bottom of the base of the pan.
  • It won’t take long for the batter to cook,when its ready flip and cook the other side. Repeat until all the mixtures gone and your belly is full. Awesome.

Filling idea’s

  • Lemon and sugar classic combo
  • Strawberries and dollop of mascarpone continental
  • Cinnamon sugar spicy
  • Golden syrup tooth rotting
  • Cheese and cubed bacon savoury
  • Mini marshmallows and melted chocolate good for ankle biters